- To qualify as a nominee in the Administrative Service category, a candidate must be a minimum of 35 years of age, and a resident for 10 years in the area currently serviced by the Greater San Antonio USBC Association. A nominee does not have to be an active bowler at the time of nomination.To qualify as a nominee in the Bowling Performance category, a candidate must be a minimum of 35 years of age and have been a member for 10 years in the area currently serviced by the Greater San Antonio USBC. A nominee does not have to be an active bowler at the time of nomination.
- The Hall of Fame Committee shall serve as the Greater San Antonio USBC Association Hall of Fame Board, and have the responsibility of the election process for the new Hall of Fame members.
- The Committee, appointed by the President, shall consist of ten (10), but not more than thirteen (13) members.
- A Chair and four (4) additional current Board Members
- Five (5) Hall of Fame Members
- The Chair, with the approval of the President, may select up to three (3) additional members at large from the bowling community.
- The Committee, appointed by the President, shall consist of ten (10), but not more than thirteen (13) members.
- Nomination forms are available in the Greater San Antonio USBC Association office or may be obtained from any Greater San Antonio USBC Board Member. All nomination forms shall be submitted to the Greater San Antonio USBC office by Nov. 1 of the current year. The nomination form is also available here.
- Candidate forms may be carried over for a period of three (3) years, after which they must be resubmitted to be considered for selection.
- The person submitting the nomination shall be informed if the candidate is not selected within the 3-year window.